EASA Part-M and Part-CAMO are annexes to the European aviation safety regulations on continuing airworthiness. Part-M addresses the continuing airworthiness of all aircraft used in commercial or non-commercial air operations.
Part-CAMO provides requirements for a Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO): compared with Part-M Subpart G the main difference is the introduction of safety management system (SMS) principles.
All technical departments need to be fluent in Part-M and Part-CAMO requirements for the management of continuing airworthiness.
Documentation and operating procedures need to comply with Part-M, namely by describing what is necessary to manage the continuing airworthiness of aircraft, defining responsibilities, regulating aircraft maintenance, specifying standards, defining the requirements for a certificate of release to service.
In addition, a company may hold the privilege to conduct airworthiness reviews and require setting forth a control process resulting in the issue of a recommendation or a certificate validating the airworthiness of aircraft.
Training items
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